Monday, November 30, 2009

Chapter 6- religion

  1. Mormonism--- utah
  2. Roman catholicism-
  3. Eastern orthodox Christianity- Russia and some of ex- soviet union countries and Ethiopia and parts of Egypt
  4. Eastern and northern Buddhism located? North--Tibet and parts of china (mahayahna) south---china japan (tantryana)
  5. Southern Buddhism(Theravada)- southern asia
  6. Hinduism? India and other countries in south asia
  7. Judaism? Major pockets--- Israel, Egypt, turkey, and major cities in Europe and north America
  8. Sunni muslim--- north Africa, some parts of subsaharn Africa, Arabian peninsula
  9. Shiite muslim--- iran, yemen, Iraq 50/50
  10. Chinese religions--- confuscianism, Taoism, Buddhism.
  11. Japanese religion--- Shinto and Buddhism


Case Study

Dalai lama, government, as well as religious leader, is to Buddhism as pope is to roman Catholicism

    "oceanic teacher"

    Tibetan Buddhism- called tatryana

    Lhasa is the capital of Tibet in the himalya mountains

    In 1950 communist china took over Tibet and renamed it Xizang

    Dalai lama was exiled to indiabut has lived in US for a few years

    China has atheistic communist china

Two types of religion

Universalizing- one that attempts to be global to appeal to all people wherever they may live not just to one culture or location (global religion)

Ethnic religion- appeal to one group of people living in one place

62%--- universal

34%--- ethnic

14%--- no religion

3 main universalizing religions

**Divided into braches (a large fundamental division within a religion), denominations (the division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations in a single legal and administrative body), and sects (a small group that is broken away from an established denomination**


  • 52% roman catholic
  • 21% protestant
  • 10% eastern orthodox
    • 14 self-governing churches…
      • Russian orthodox- 40%
      • Romanian orthodox- 20%
      • Bulgarian orthodox- 10%
      • Greek orthodox-10%
      • Serbian orthodox- 10%
      • Albanian , Cyprus, Georgia, polish, and Sinai orthodox- 2%
      • Constntinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem orthodox- 3% (the oldest)
  • 17% other
    • Coptic church- Egypt
    • Ethiopian church (Abyssinian church)
    • Armenian church- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, and turkey
    • Maronite church- Lebanon
    • Syrian- orthodox church- south india




    Confucius (551-479 B.C.)

  • Philosopher and teacher from the province of Lu, China
  • Emphasized the ancient Chinese tradition of Li or "propriety" or "correct behavior"
  • An ethnic Chinese religion focused on traditional values
  • Some people say that its not a religion at all but rather a set of ethical principals for orderly conduct
  • Has been added to other religions such as Buddhism and Taoism

More religion terms

    Monotheism- belief in one god

    Polytheism- belief in many gods

    Animism-generic term for African ethnic religions

  • Decrease in animism because of rise of Christianity and islam

Territorial confilicts and religion

    End of cold war

    Local conflicts- religion

    Religious fundamentalism- literal interpretation and a strict and intense adherence to the basic

    principles of a religion

religious fundamentalism has caused a lot of tension between Religion and government policies



EP1- religion vs. social change

    MDCs economic development is seen as compatable with religious values

    LDCs incompatible especially where Christianity is not dominant

  • For example the Taliban (meaning religious student)in Afghanistan. Before they took over, Taliban ran religious schools and taught illiterate people their interpretation. After Taliban gained control of government, their views were pushed onto the whole country. They banned western and nonislamic leisure ativities – no tv. They pissed people off when they destroyed 2nd century Buddhist statues with dynamite.
  • Hinduism and social equality in india. The caste system is intertwined in Hinduism. Four basic castes: Brahman (priests), kshatriyas (warriors), vaisyas (merchants), shudras (farmers and artisans), untouchables, now referred to as dalits, are outside of the caste system. British administrators and Christian missionaries challenged the caste system. Even ghadi, from the Brahman caste, spoke out against the caste system. Today, in india's laws, untouchability is outlawed.



EP2 religion vs. communism

Organized religion was challenged by communism, the three most affected religions in this clash were eastern orthodox, islam, and Buddhism

  • The eastern orthodox church and Islam clashed with communism in soviet union
  • Bolshevik revolution, when communists took over in Russia. Lenin enforced strict Marxism and renamed Russia the USSRs. Lenin reduced the role of religion in soviet society.
  • After the fall of the Soviet Union there was a religious revival. The attendance increased in the Russian Orthodox Church and in some of the new countries formed from the new Soviet Union, there was a revival of Islam. Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

Buddhism in Southeast Asia

  • During the Vietnam War nobody took sides with the Buddhist.
  • The Buddhist lived in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia
  • The communist government trying to take over these countries destroyed Shrines
  • Some Buddhist priest resorted in self mutilation (setting themselves on fire) as a protest.
  • Even today it is still discouraged although its more relaxed.
  • Angkor wat- Buddhist complex in Cambodia that has been allowed to go into decay.

Religion v. Religion EP3 NOT

  1. Middle East- Palestine
  • In the area of the world called Palestine there has been a long standing conflict between Jews, Christians, and Muslims
  • All three religions have claims on the city of Jerusalem (seen as their holy city)
  • These claims are ancient.
  • The crusade (1099-1244 A.D.) is when the European Christians tried to win back the holy land.
  • There were 6 Crusades
  • The Ottoman Empire was predominantly Muslim and controlled Palestine from (1516-1917)
  • After World War I Britain received Palestine as a mandate.
  • In 1948, many Jews moved to Palestine to create the modern day country of Israel. Since modern Jewish dominated Israel was created there has been 4 wars between the Muslim Arab countries.
  • This is not just a religious conflict. There are competing Ethhnonational claims to territory
  1. Christians and Muslims in Lebanon
  • Lebanon has always had a mix of religions. For example the Maronite Christians, Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and Druze (mix of Christianity and Islam), also strong Greek Orthodox Church in Lebanon.
  • Beirut, Lebanon was one time the financial and recreational center of the Middle East.
  • Since the 1970's Lebanon has been torn between by strife between these religious groups.
  • The U.S. even sent troops to Lebanon to bring peace and it was in 1983 when a suicide bombing occurred killing 241 Marines.
  • Today the country of Syria controls much of Lebanon.
  1. Ireland
  • After Ireland was given independence in 1937, 6 of its northern counties chose to remain in the U.K…….Known as Northern Ireland.
  • Northern Ireland is predominantly protestant. Ireland is predominantly Roman Catholic.
  • There has been a terrorist organization called the Irish Republican Army (IRA)



                Case study Revisited

  • 14th Dalai Lama
  • About ¼ of males in Tibet were monks but were told to practice polygamy (to maintain population)
  • Communist suppressed Buddhism while creating a higher standard of living in Tibet
  • Dalai Lama was officially exiled to India

        -travels the world talking about freedom of religion

        -which earned him a Nobel Peace prize

    • There is concern about whether priests are being trained
    • There was a "Free Tibet" movement in early 90's



Wednesday, November 18, 2009


  • Distinctive ethnic religion of japan
  • Forces of nature, including rivers trees, rocks and some animals, but mainly the sun and moon are considered divine
  • Transmitted orally through generations
  • Fifth century ad, written down with the introduction of Chinese characters
  • Emperors and other ancestors became more important deity figures.
  • Emperor Meiji (1868-1912) made Shintoism the official state religion making him the official god of Japan. Therefore, Shinto is a political cult as all Japanese were shintoists
  • After WWII, allies forced Japanese emperor to renounce his divinity. He was allowed to keep his ceremonial powers.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 5 language


    SIL- ummer institute of linguistics

    There are 7,299 languages

    10 of these languages (including English) are spoken by over 100,000,000 people

Case study page 146

    French is spoken by ¼ of the Canadian population.

    There are two legal languages in quebec

    Hispanics in the us speak spanish

    28 million Spanish speakers living in the USA

    Florida has Cubans

    Southwest has Mexicans

Language- a system of communication through speech, a collection of sounds that a group of people understands to have the same meaning.

    Many languages have a literary tradition, a system of written communication

Some governments will have an official language, language used by the government for courts, laws and public objects

Language is a part of culture



Origin of English:

    Germanic language

    When the celts arrived in England, speaking celtic languages

around 450 AD, Germanic tribes invaded England

  • Angles
  • Juts
  • Saxons

Denmark and germany were occupied by the Germanic

England was called angle's land

9th century other groups contributed to English

  • Ie Vikings from Norway
    • Vikings invaded plundered and left
  • 1066 the Normans invaded from france
  • For 300 years, French was the official language of England
  • That's why modern day English is a mix of german and French

English today!

    ½ billion people and is the second only to mandarin china

    Diffusion of English to the british empire which was quite expansive

  • 17th century was brought over to north America
  • More modern diffusion took place when English was spread by the US to the phillipines
  • There are now 50 countries that speak English.

Dialects of English

Dialect- a regional variation of the language distinguished by distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation

In a language of multiple dialects, one dialect may be recognized as the standard language

  • Standard language- a dialect that is well established and widely recognized as the most acceptable for government, business, education, and mass communication.
    • Ie: brp- british received pronunciation- the standard form of british speech and is commonly used by politicians, broadcasters and actors in Britain

After norman control of England, 5 dialects emerged across the country

Eventually every county formed a distinct dialect, and eventually one dialect emerged as the standard language

The dialect that emerged as the standard language was spoken by the upper class and was the language that was taught at caimbridge and oxford

When the printing press came to kengland in 1476, this contributed to the advancement of the standard language—they could mass produce grammar books and English dictionaries

Regional differences still exist especially in rural areas

Today, England is divided up into 3 dialects, northern, midland, and southern


Essay possibility 2

    In the 17th century british colonists settled in north America

    One of the reasons why American English is different than british English, is because of the     isolation




I missed the end of EP2 sorry guys. If someone loans me the notes in class, Ill get it up as soon as I can.



Dialects in the USA

    Eastern US- most differences in dialect pronunciations

  • New England
  • Middle atlantic
  • Southeastern

Isogloss- a word usage boundary

  • 2 isoglosses in eastern US

Language differences tend to be greater in rural areas than they are in cities because farmers tend to live more isolated lives

There are fewer differences in cities

English and other languages-

Language family-A collection of languages related through a common ancestor from long before recorded history

Language branch- a collection of languages related through a common ancestor that existed several thousand years ago, after recorded history started


Origin and diffusion of romance languages

    Latin- the "roman's language" --> romance

    Vulgar latin spoken by the common people of the romance language

    Each romance language has many dialects

  • For example, Castilian emerged as the more acceptable language of spain

Spanish and portugese have diffused through colonization to America

  • Ie- 18 latin American countires speak Spanish each with its own dialect
  • Portugese in brazil

There have been modern efforts to standardize

  • Brazil and Portugal decided to integrate portugese and Brazilian words together in 1994
  • The Spanish royal academy in spain added new words from latin America in 1992

Some colonial romance languages have been creolized---

  • Results form the mixture of the colonizing language with the language of the people being dominated
    • Ie- French creole spoken in Haiti


EP3- the origin and diffusion of indo-european

The origin of indo-european history cannot be determined because it started before recorded history.

There are many popular theories or models

    Kurgan hearth theory

  • By marija gimbutas
  • The first prot-indo-european speakers were the kurgan people of current day Russia and kazikstan. from there languages spread to present day Europe

Renfrew model

  • Colin Renfrew
  • First prot-indo-european speakers came before the kurgans. They came from 3 agricultural hearths—
    • Anatolia- these people made agricultural innovations and took them and their language west to Europe and east to asia
    • Western arc of the fertile crescent- diffused to north Africa and Arabia
    • Eastern arc of the fertile crescent- spread to jmodern day iran, afghanista, Pakistan, india. Later replaced by indo-european languages

Nostratic theory

  • Russian scholars
  • Used a core vocabulary to try to discover pre-proto-indo-european language. They discovered this language which they called "Nostratic."



Key issue 4

    No lecture

    Br study

Case study

*Charles de Gaule visited quebec in the 1960s…. long live free quebec. They've been pushing for independence since. They changed names and places in the province.

*Hispanic America. 47 millions Americans speak another language at home. 27 sates have laws making English the official language. Different courts have ruled these laws to be unconstitutional.